Empi Direct TENS
: Devices
The Direct TENS is a simple product for pain management through transcutaneous electrical stimulation. Its easy of use perfectly meets the requirements of patients with pain. The device includes multiple analgesic applications and allows by a simple click to access a program adapted to the pain zone. * 2 Channels of stimulation output* 13 Pre-set programs including 5 quick select programs for ease of use* Waveform: Asymmetrical biphasic, 100% compensated* Constant voltage up to resistance of 1000 ohms* Maximum amplitude: 40mA @ 1000 ohms, 250µsec* Pulse Duration: up to 250 μsec* Frequency: up to 1,000 Hz* Power Source: 2 x 1.5V AA Batteries or 2x 1.2V AA rechargeable batteries* Modern design and soft push buttons for comfortable use* Adjustable timer* Unit features include 5 stimulation programs - Pulse - Burst - Continuous - Mixed Frequency - Multi-modulation* Easy to read LCD display and convenient easy to use controls